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Francesca Zajczyk

Education and Training

Law Degree at Università degli Studi of Milan.

Work experience

She teaches Urban Sociology at Università degli Studi of Milan - Bicocca and she holds, among the others, the following positions: Vice-Director of the Sociology and Social Research Department of the Università degli Study of Milan - Bicocca; Director of the interuniversity Centre on city times; Co-director of the Observatory on Urban poverty of the Bicocca University; mobility manager of the Bicocca University and member of the coordinating team for the project “Mobility management for the Milan University system” promoted by the Cariplo Foundation; member of the scientific committee of Mo.Ve – Observatory on sustainable mobility in European metropolitan areas; member of the scientific committee of the School of methodology for Social research of the AIS.

Author of many scientific publications, she is active in research and teaching of issues related to contemporary cities (first and foremost Milan) and their transformations: urban poverty, changing neighbourhoods, the suburbs, city times, the balancing of family and work for women.

She has been recently studying also the issue of the poor presence of women in the economics and political decision-making scene.

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