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Francesco C. Billari

Education and Training

Doctor in Demography at the Statistics Department of University of Padua.
Political Economy Degree at Bocconi University in Milan.

Work experience

Full Professor of Demography and Director of the Economics and Social Sciences course (DES-LS) at Bocconi University of Milan, he teaches also Statistics. He is Fellow of the Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER).

Between 1999 and 2002 he was in charge of the research team "Demography of Early Adulthood” at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostok. He is also a Board member of this institution.

He is currently General Secretary of the EAPS, European Association of Population Studies, where he is co-chair of the Working Group on the Second Demographic Transition in Europe.

He is also member of the Scientific Panel on Transitions to Adulthood in Developed Countries at IUSSP - International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, based in Paris.
He mainly dealt  with the study of life courses (in particular the transition to adulthood, family formation and fertility), and related methodological aspects, and with the regional comparisons of demographic behaviours.

Associate Editor of the scientific journal Demographic Research and Honorary Board Member of Applied Population and Policy, he published papers on the most important international journals, among which:  Population Studies, Population and Development Review, European Journal of Population, Genus, Mathematical Population Studies, International Journal of Population Geography. He also published on journals of other disciplines, such as Journal of European Social Policy, Labour, Regional Studies and he edited various books, also with Synergia.

He has been recently invited to write the Life course analysis entry for the Encyclopaedia of Population and the Background Paper on the dynamics of family formation and dissolution for the European Population Forum 2004, organised by the United Nations in the decennial of the Cairo Conference.

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