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Services for women victims of violence: analysis of trends and impact evaluation

Years: 2009, 2010
Programme: Daphne III
Applicant: Regione Puglia
Partner: Provincia di Bari (IT), Provincia di Taranto (IT), Provincia di Brindisi (IT), Provincia di Foggia (IT), Provincia di Lecce (IT), Region Wallonie (BE), Cap Sciences Humaines (BE), Consultoria de Antropologia Aplicada - FARAPI S.L. (ES)

Issue and Objectives

The project intends to address the lack of knowledge in three European geographical areas (Regione Puglia in Italy, the Region Wallonie in Belgium and Paìs Vasco in Spain) about: on one side, the characteristics and diffusion of the phenomenon of violence against women; on the other side, and this is the main added value of the project, the characteristics of actions and services available on the surveyed territories for this target.


  • Context analysis from secondary data, about the phenomenon of violence against women;
  • mapping of the residential and non residential services available on the territory in order to compare and assess the intervention strategies;
  • qualitative interviews to export witnesses of the phenomenon, i.e. referees and personnel of the services mapped and, where possible, to women service users;
  • giving out of a form to be filled by the referees of the mapped services to record information about them. This data collection, in Italy took the shape of a first experimental flux to be integrated in the newborn Social Information System of the Puglia Region (SISR). The data collection regarded: management, users, structures, human resources, specific services supply, etc;
  • creation of monitoring indicators (penetration, usage, impact), with a gender focus, of the services territorial network;
  • identification in the three regions of good practices in the services and conceptualization of how to transfer them;
  • sharing among partners of the results of the research activities;
  • definition of a communication programme on activities and services offered by the mapped network, for victims of violence.

Results and products

The results are the following: an increase in the knowledge of the phenomenon of violence against women and of the services available on the partnership territories; quality indicators and quality experiences for the exchange and transferability of practices.

The main available products are:
  • an analytical report of the phenomenon of violence against women and of the services provided in Europe and in the national and local contexts belonging to the partnership;
  • the mapping of services and programmes available in the regional areas covered by the project with a detailed collection of data on all the mapped services;
  • a set of indicators able to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs/services;
  • an Album of best-practices;
  • a general research report on the overall results deriving from the research activities;
  • the promotion and the exchange of the best practices identified among different stakeholders, like Institutions, local authorities, associations working in the field of support of women victims of violence.

Project website: http://www.stopviolence.it
Contact person: Rebecca Zanuso


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