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Rafforzamento dei servizi erogati dall’Ospedale Comboni di Wau nelle sue responsabilità cliniche e didattiche anche come risposta ai flussi migratori del Sud Sudan

Years: 2018, 2019, 2020
Programme: AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development
Applicant: A.I.S.P.O. – Associazione Italiana per la solidarietà tra i popoli
Partner: Amicic - Amici di Stefano Ciceri (IT), St. Daniel Comboni Hospital Sierra Leone (IT)

Issue and Objectives

General objective of the project is to foster the access to health services with a better possibility of assistance for citizenship of South Sudan, also with the aim of prevent migration from the Country itself and to increase life conditions of internal displaced people. The specific objective is to increase and improve some services of the Comboni Wau Hospital, which are considered as priority by Local Health Authorities: general hospital services, child and mother health services, maintenance. Sustainable development objectives are: • The increase of health and of wellbeing; • Availability of quality training; • Reduction of inequalities. Synergia will carry out the monitoring activities of the project


1. Technical assistance and training for local nurses, obstetricians and gynaecologist; 2. Supply of specific tools, drugs, consumables and non medical materials; 3. Sponsoring of 7 scholarships for nurses and 4 scholarships for obstetricians; 4. Technical assistance for the management of the clinical engineering services and for training of local operators on the maintenance of specific tools and systems; 5. Starting of a lab for the maintenance of specific tools and systems; 6. Design of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and stabilization of maintenance service; 7. Design of a strategic 5 years planning for the structural and organisational/functional development of the hospital.

Results and products

The project will allow: - An annual increase of at least 10% of the number of helped people; - An annual increase of at least 10% of the number of helped pregnant and in labour women; - An annual increase of at least 10% of the number of labours inside the hospital; - An annual increase of at least 25% of the number of visited postpartum women; - An annual increase of at least 10% of the number of women and children who get vaccinated

Contact person: Giovanni Viganò

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