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Coorti di popolazione verso l'età anziana. Transizione lavoro-pensionamento e strategie del mantenimento attivo

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.30 - January 2011]

The book presents the results of a survey carried out in Autonomous Province of Bozen on two cohorts of population in working and social transition. The aim is to provide clear and reliable information on capability and needs expressed by over 50 and to highlight on resources and on critical aspects related to the transition from work to retirement. This book reports the socio-economic and labor characteristics of adults and mature population and it is plotted the spectrum of determinants both  private and of the labor market and the institutional ones that shape the final sequences of the careers and influence the retirement transitions. The survey explores also the Welfare ideas, the various activities that define the social, cultural and civic participation of the mature and the elderly for a concept of active aging, which refers not only to the employment dimension, but to the participation in economic, social, cultural and civic community.

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