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Qualità e accreditamento dei Servizi Sociali

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.28 - October 2010]

In a period of crisis for the social policies and lack of financial resources, in presence of signals of re-centralization of the powers and reaffirmation of traditional organizational model (up to down), this book suggests an alternative way: a retrieval of the bottom-up model, focusing on the quality systems as cultural asset of the social professionals (social workers, educators, health and social workers etc). A way to legitimize the professional activities through quality self-evaluation processes for social service workers.


Giovanni Garena e Anna Maria Gerbo, Qualità e accreditamento dei Servizi Sociali. Elementi per la costruzione di un manuale di autovalutazione, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 201

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