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Quality Care for Quality Aging. Home care services in six European countries and regions

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.32 - July 2011]

The volume i san overview of the present situation of Home care services in six European countries and regions. The analysis shown are part of the preliminary research activities of the project Quality Care for Quality Aging. European Indicators for Home Health Care, financed by European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, social affairs and inclusion, under the specific Progress Programme 2007-2013. Quality Care for Quality Aging project (QCQA) starts from the assumption that Social Services of General Interest (SSGI) will constitute the main tool able to face the increasing needs of people in condition of non self sufficiency. The project wants ti focus on particular typology of SSGI which is the Home Care services and interventions in the context of the Long Term Caee Systems for elderly people, in order to support new policies and intervention strategies both at European and National level.

Dario Zanon, Emilio Gregori (edited by), Quality Care for Quality Aging. Home care services in six European countries and regions, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011

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