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Recupero sì, ma per chi? Riflessione critica sulla capacità di risposta alla povertà abitativa di un caso di riqualificazione urbana

di Francesco Grandi e Gloria Pessina

Mutamento Sociale n.29 - Dicember 2010

The paper attached presents the complexity of the dynamics that led to the form of "urban crisis" that preceded the Recovery Plan and the lack of discussion of social complexity and stratification of housing demand expressed by the residents of Carmine District in Brescia. Here will be reworked some of the results obtained during the research made under the Equal project Koinè: integration of migrants in the local community and in the labour market, carried out by Synergia, Department of Architecture and Planning at the Politecnico di Milano and SDA Bocconi, and integrated with the latest analysis and materials collected as part of the feasibility study for projects of social cohesion in the town of Brescia financed by the Cariplo Foundation.

Paper presented at 3rd Annual Conference of  ESPAnet Italia
"Senza welfare? Federalismo e diritti di cittadinanza nel modello mediterraneo", Napoli, 1 Ottobre 2010

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