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Ritmiritratti - Buon compleanno. I centenari in Valle d'Aosta

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.34 - January 2012]

A face and an object are enough to tell a hundred-year history, with an evocative power that can bring us back in time to tell us in silence and life stories of the past. With this spirit has been set to the new work of the photographer Francisco De Souza through 29 centuries-old faces 29 in Aosta, as part of initiatives to celebrate 30 years of activity of the micro community for elders Aosta Valley.
Francisco de Souza with Sylvie Curtaz, Buon compleanno. I centenari in Valle d'Aosta, Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta, 2011

Sixty photographs to capture, through photography, the social policies in the Valle d'Aosta from early childhood to old age, with the aim of telling moments of life, stories of solidarity and help, relationship and experiences of humanity. The images trace a path between the faces and the emotions of users and operators of the various social services.
Assessorato della sanità, salute e politiche sociali della Regione Valle d'Aosta, photografhs by Samuel Giudice and Fabrizio Falcomatà Ritmiritratti. Sguardi sui servizi sociali in Valle d'Aosta, Musumeci Editore, Aosta, 2011

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