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IO TI CONOSCO project: training activities concluded

Training programme on the use of S.Va.M.Di. and the International Classification of Functioning and disability (ICF)
The training activities on the use of S.Va.M.Di. and the International Classification of functioning and disability (ICF) have been concluded. The training involved nurses, psychologists, social workers, educators, GPs of the Authonomous Region Valle d’Aosta.

The programme was structured in 6 different sessions:
- The conceptual model of the International Classification of Functioning and Disability: objectives and theoretical principles;
- The use of the ICF qualifiers and their link with the assessment tools
- The S.Va.M.Di. model. Section: body function and structures.
- The S.Va.M.Di. model. Section: participation and activity and environmental factors.
- S.Va.M.Di. and casemanager
- Training to the use of the S.Va.M.Di. software

An experimental piloting of the tool has now been planned for the final phase of the project.
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