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Med programme

Admission of the cohousing project to the second evaluation step
Synergia contributed to the development of a proposal about cohousing in the Meditterenean.The proposal consists in the creation of a Model of innovative co-housing suitable for the MED, valuing the housing and familial tradition of its communities. For example, mediterranean rural housing tradition is well represented by buildings with a courtyard and by farmhouses, where life and work were strictly connected: both types of building are suitable for developing a co-housing community, because they have external and common spaces and an architectural structure that lends itself to socialization. Mediterranean welfare is still based on family support and mutual help, but the ageing of population and the increase of nuclear families and of rates of family breakdowns makes this support less granted. This is even more obvious in times of economic crisis: specific needs on the side of housing and on the side of community cohesion and solidarity, welfare and services of general interest, can be faced by an innovative co-housing solution. The applicant of the project is the Municipality of Monfalcone.
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