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Partnership between Synergia, Municipality of Milan and Cattolica University
Comune di Milano and Cattolica University in partnership with Synergia, Nunatac and Linkiesta, on the occasion of the International year of statistics (2013) have published a competition announcement called Statistics, Open Data and Society for the best use of Open Data.
The competition aims to boost the use of Open Data to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of a correct and effective use of data through statistics (the science of data). The competition will consider products (articles, essays, papers, reports, info-graphics, video) containing statistical analysis on data downloaded from the Open Data web-site of the Municipality of Milan. Priority will be given to products that address issues with a public or social relevance.
Synergia, in particular, will award a prize to the best product focusing the thematic area social policy, which includes the statistical and critical analysis of a social phenomenon regarding social needs of a specific target population (elderly, migrants, minors, etc.); the description and analysis of the characteristics of a social service (childcare, homecare, etc.) or a social policy promoted by the Municipality of Milan (integration, assistance, economical support, housing policy, etc.) or a combination of them.
The deadline for the submission of the proposals and the final products is the 4th of November 2013. Interested applicants can find guidelines and information for the preparation of the application and the submission on the award website.
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