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The Italian Social Information System for Social Services. Recent developments and future challenges

Giovanni Viganò’s speech at the Work Group of Social Inclusion –Human Resources Subcommittee FSE 2014-2020
On 24th of April 2018 at the headquarters of CNEL in Villa Lubin in Rome Giovanni Viganò took the floor during the meeting of the “Work Group of Social Inclusion – Human Resources Subcommittee FSE 2014-2020 – National Operative Programme of Inclusion” making a presentation named “Il Sistema Informativo Unitario dei Servizi Sociali. I recenti sviluppi e le sfide future”. The event was an opportunity to inform the involved stakeholders about the last news on SIUSS and the themes on which the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is intervening to give support to the authorities in charge of social providing social benefits, asked to manage the data banks.
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