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Training course on The new SIUSS

A training course addressed to local authorities on how to manage the SIUSS database
Synergia’s experts have mastered on 21st of March in Florence a training course called “The new SIUSS - Sistema Informativo Unitario dei Servizi Sociali and the compliance related to the Reddito di Inclusione ReI”. The course was addressed to technical and administrative representatives of local and public authorities, who are asked to transmit information and data required by SIUSS, due to the introduction of the Reddito di Inclusione ReI.
If interested in the training courses of Synergia on SIUSS and REI, local authorities can look at the News section on the website and can contact the secretariat of Synergia using the email formazione@synergia-net.it or the phone number 0272093033.
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