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Training Webinars for Piemonte and Veneto regions Social Districts

Giovanni Viganò will give a lecture on SIUSS (Unitary Social Services Information System) to Piemonte and Veneto regions Social Districts. The lecture will follow up on the ALC (Common Work Area) “Interchange between information systems dedicated to social inclusion: starting and stabilizing REI (Inclusion Income) and SINA (Care Services Information System) databases.”
The third Webinar for the Italian regions Social Districts will take place on 14 September. It aims to disseminate the guidelines on the “Usage of REI and SINA databases: guidelines and local roadshows”, laid down during the Common Work Area “Interchange between information systems dedicated to social inclusion: starting and stabilizing REI and SINA databases”. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is the Competence Centre for this Common Work Area.
Giovanni Viganò took part to it as a teacher.
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