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Sociolabour inclusion indicators for migrants in Walloon, Lombardy and Andalusia

Autore/i: Alameda Network
Editore: Junta de Andalucia, 2006

General Presentation

1. General methodology

1.1 Selection and production of indicators
1.2 Comparison attempt among three European regions
1.3 Socialabour inclusion concept
1.4 State and availability of statisticals sources
1.4.1 State and availability of administrative national statisticals sources
1.4.2 State and availability of Eurostat

2. National Data
2.1 Belgium/Walloon
2.1.1 State and availability of administrative national data
         Table of administrative national data
2.1.2 State and availability of Eurostat data
         Table of data from Labour Force Study (EFT)
2.2 Italy/Lombardy
2.2.1 State and availability of administrative national data
         Table of administrative national data
2.2.2 State and availability of Eurostat data
2.3 Spain /Andalusia
2.3.1 State and availability of administrative national data
         Table of administrative national data
2.3.2 State and availability of Eurostat data
         Table of data from Labour Force Study (EFT)

3. Attempt at comparing three European Regions: Wallon/Lombardy/Andalusia
3.1 Reminder of methodology aspects
3.2 Trends

4. Conclusions and prospects



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