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Upload your project idea

If you and your organization have an innovative project idea, with a strong European added value, and need to:
  • find support to identify the most appropriate funding EU Programme;
  • look for new European partners to strengthen your network;
  • get support for the finalization of a project application.
just fill in the following form with the requested information, the experts of Synergia will analyze your project idea and contact you to identify the most suitable strategy for your proposal*.
*The presentation of a project idea does not commit Synergia to any particular obligation in the respect of those organizations who submitted a proposal. The experts of Synergia just guarantee the evaluation of the proposal and a specific feedback to the applicant. Synergia reserves the right to support only the proposals that have had a positive feedback after the evaluation.
EU staff
Region, Local Authority
Third Sector

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Via Settala, 8 - 20124 Milano
Tel. 02.72093033 - Fax 02.72099743
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