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Nicola Pasini

Education and Training

Doctor of Sociology and Social Research Methodology at Università Cattolica of Milan
Political Sciences Degree at Università degli Studi of Milan

Work experience

Associate professor at the Political Sciences Department of the Università degli Studi of Milan, he teaches Politics and Administration within the first cycle degree course in Management and Public Administration; he teaches Local Government in the second cycle degree course of Administration and Public Policy.
His research interest regards mainly the analysis of public administration, its relationship with politics and the transformation of welfare systems in democratic societies. He tries to catch the complex weaving between positive and normative aspects in the design and in the implementation of public policies.
His central issues are:
  1. ethical issues in public administrations, with special reference to the relationship between the political and the administrative “classes”;
  2. health policies;
  3. social policy, with special reference to healt of migrants;
  4. the government of local bodies;
  5. the transformation of political parties with a special focus on the Italian system.
Among his many assignments:
since 1995 he is referee for the health and social sector of ISMU Foundation, Milan;
since 1999 he coordinates the Ethics and public administration Sector of the Institute Politeia, Milan;
since 2001 he is alumnus of the Young Leader Program of the Council for the relations Italy-USA;
since 2004 he directs the “Centro di Formazione Politica” (Centre for Political Training), Milan;
since 2005 he is member of the committee of Glocus;
since 2008 he is member of the scientific committee of the Institute of European Democrats.

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