Labour and employability
The labour market is changing. The legislation produced transformations in the flexibility of jobs, which radically impact on the relationship among employers, workers and unions.
The redefinition of the setting both on the organisation and the production fronts increases the risk of a fast obsolescence of professional competencies, so that today both employers and workers need to pay attention to permanent redevelopment, often with the worker ending up taking care of his/her own skills update.
Within this framework it is more and more necessary to gain knowledge on the functioning of local labour markets, on paths of professional mobility and training needs, as well as on the processes of insertion and integration of the weakest groups of population into the labour market.
Synergia took part in both local and international partnerships promoting the empowerment of workers, with a special attention to disadvantaged categories, such as disabled people and weaker groups such as youngsters, migrants, over 40s and women.
We use both quantitative and qualitative approaches, like for instance case studies or set of indicators, within the governance framework of a continuous dialogue among different types of actors. In particular Synergia experimented the creation of monitoring systems (indicators of social and working integration, mapping of work mediation services) and mainstreaming activities in the field of employability, equal opportunities promotion and diversity management targeted to public and private organisations (training and consultancy firms, agencies of work mediation, work associations).