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ARCKA – Assessing, Recognizing Competences and certifying Knowledge Acquisition. Valuing human capital of children of foreign origin in education and Training in Europe

Years: 2010, 2011, 2012
Programme: Integration Fund Community Action
Applicant: Galdus
Partner: University of Huelva (ES), Junta de Andalucia (ES), NSS - Nouveau Saint Servas (BE), Stichting Katholieke Unversiteit Brabant (NL), Ada und Theodor Lessing Volkshochschule (DE), Fundatia Parada (RO)

Issue and Objectives

According to Lisbon objectives in education and training and under the assumption of the important role that schools have for integration (as stressed in EU CBP for immigrant integration policy), considered that valorisation of human capital is a primary asset not only for social integration issues, but also for a knowledge-based competitiveness benefit, in particular in time of economic downturn and labour market difficulties, the proposal, focusing on secondary education (11-18 years old students) aims to improve comparative knowledge on good practises of assessments and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences of migrant students entering and exiting the education system, in order to adapt teaching skills, to avoid the placement of migrant children in lower than their age-appropriate grades and to support new forms of knowledge certification useful for job research and mobility. The project wants also to promote an effective mutual exchange at translocal level between educational staff to share experiences and to identify common criteria to disseminate good practices in assessing and recognizing of migrant students competences and to improve equity and wellbeing in education, involving also migrant families.


The project is articulated in the following phases:
  • context analysis and elaboration of a set of indicators;
  • mapping of practices of assessment and recognition of prior leaning and skills certification of third-country nationals’ students;
  • identification of the criteria and selection of good practice;
  • elaboration of guidelines and recommendations to promote third country national students well being and success and to involve parents in cooperative actions to support children school careers;
  • mainstreaming and dissemination of the activities and project results will be developed using several channels and measures.

Results and products

  • During the project life on partner websites there will be continuous update on the state of the art of the project.
  • Towards the end of the project, two round tables in each partner country involving selected stakeholders and inviting a wider audience will be organised to discuss the outcomes of the project and the ideas about guidelines and recommendations fruit of the work.
  • The outputs of the project will be edited, so as to be less technical, more appealing and usable, published in a cd-rom and circulated (not sold) among a wide range of selected stakeholders, that are directly involved on the issue: education offices.
  • A specific final conference will be organised in Brussels for presenting the results to the European Commission, to locally-based European education and migrant networks and to other relevant European-level stakeholders;After the end of the project.
  • A website will be implemented where all outputs of the project will be available to the wider public.

Project website: http://www.arckaproject.eu
Contact person: Marta Distaso

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