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Monitoring social change

Organisations - public ones in particular due to their special “mission” - need to tackle the continuous change involving the targets of their actions. Public administrations need on one side to reproduce themselves in time, but also on the other side, in order to “transform change”, they need to create innovation and continuously renew themselves, improving their capacity to manage and organise first and foremost human, but also other resources, acquiring suitable working tools from the outside and internalising them.

For 20 years Synergia has been helping public administrations monitoring change and developing innovation with consultancy and training, using advanced techniques and defining, together with the organisation, the best strategies and tools to be developed, while following the training process step by step, with the aim of transferring knowledge and internalising skills.

Thanks to its significant experience on international projects, its qualified team of professionals able to work in multilingual settings and its European network (made up of Ministries, regions, universities, research institutes, European associations), Synergia supports Italian public administrations (Ministries, Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Health Departments) in activating and managing mutual learning transnational projects, that allow for an enlargement of their knowledge-base, for an exchange of good practices, for the experimentation of innovative strategies in the field of social, health, labour, training, new technologies, environment, renewable energies policies.

Synergia also offers to public administrations its know-how in the development of innovative qualitative research methodologies and applied statistics, for the creation of flexible and contextualised tools, to be used in particular to collect and analyse data on new social phenomena and multidimensional needs of different targets of population; on the economic and organisational structure of the system of services; on the quality granted to users.

In order to do it Synergia uses multidisciplinary approaches, interdisciplinary knowledge, multidimensional tools and scrupulous methods to collect data and produce information.


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