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ICF-CY nei servizi per la disabilità. Indicazioni di metodo e prassi per l'inclusione

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.35 - May 2012]

The system of ICF (International Classification of Functioning), developed by WHO, describes the state of health of the individual based on personal and environmental factors that limit or facilitate its operation in the context of life, giving the possibility to define the needs and rights.
The book proposes a model of the tool ICF, in its specific childhood and adolescence (ICF-CY) version. Starting from the specific reality of school inclusion, the model will contribute to creating that common language expected for a long time in the Services for the disabled person. Rehabilitation-assistance and school operators had few opportunities to share their tracks and this, besides also reduces the effectiveness of their interventions.
The widespread adoption of the instrument ICF-CY just want to fill the gap that still exists between the different professions involved in the treatment of disability in children and contribute to the process of inclusion at all levels. ICF-CY can be effectively used by doctors, therapists, teachers, social workers, researchers, but also from parents and managers to define the needs for health, learning and development the disabled child.

Gianni De Polo, Monica Pradal, Sonia Bortolot,ICF-CY nei servizi per la disabilità. Indicazioni di metodo e prassi per l'inclusione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011

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