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L'informazione nelle politiche sociali. Modelli teorici, processi di legittimazione e dinamiche organizzative

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.32 - July 2011]

The current debate on social policies, and public policy in general, is deeply influenced by the ideals of efficiency, rationality and excellence which are the basis of technocratic vision.
In this model the value of involving experts and, above all, the availability of information are often taken for granted.
But what relationship is established between the increasing legitimacy of the information in rhetoric, in law and in literature, and the organizational dynamics which inevitably clashes? What are the obstacles to the creation of tools for the collection, management and use of information? What happens when a theoretical model, such as the Italian Social Services Information System, is adopted into the complex organizational reality? Which dynamics and tensions arise?
Starting from a case study, the book offers a reflection on two levels. The first is the analysis of the processes of collection and information management in the context of social policies, the second, more generally, the relationship between information, decisions and policies. The main theme is the tension generated between highly legitimate theoretical models and the dynamics and organizational structures that characterize the contexts in which they fell.

Sandro Busso, L'informazione nelle politiche sociali. Modelli teorici, processi di legittimazione e dinamiche organizzative, Carocci, Roma, 2010

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