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Lavorare con i minori stranieri non accompagnati. Voci e strumenti dal campo dell'accoglienza

Book review

[Mutamento Sociale n.31 - April 2011]

Beginning with the reconstruction of the phenomenon of unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy (flows, legislation and actions of institutions, local and national), the volume deals with work issues and with problems of interpretation that operators, psychologists and mediators face every day.
Who looks after care for adolescent migrants, in fact, must learn to deal with a variety of situations: from the request for assistance, the definition of psychological problems often traumatic, conflict resolution between the parties involved.
The aim of the book is, therefore, to think through the voices of operators and their representations of users and needs, the professional dilemmas and critical responses hosting services.
Consider all the elements is, in fact, necessary to build rules and practices of psycho-social intervention that can take charge of the complexity of the unaccompanied minors, a journey interrupted, suffered, often dramatic, which is a challenge for all services involved.

Raffaele Bracalenti e Marzia Saglietti (a cura di), Lavorare con i minori stranieri non accompagnati. Voci e strumenti dal campo dell'accoglienza, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011

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