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Book review
The 2nd issue of libertàcivili (civil liberties), the new review of Ministry of the Interior - Department for civil liberties and immigration about migration studies, has been published.

The editorial was quoted below.

The basis of our dignity
by Mario Morcone

We thought of dedicating this issue of our journal to labour, in consideration of its central importance in the life of each and everyone of us, especially for those who hope to shape a future based on dignity and respect for themselves.
It is not an abstract principle and it is not by chance that article 1 of the Constitution itself, in its first paragraph, defines the identity of our country by explicitly referring to labour as a basic value of the Republic.
Unfortunately, present-time events have pushed the tunnel of economic and financial crisis into the forefront, the light at the end of which can be hardly seen and the highest price is likely to be paid mainly by those who arrived in our country and were confident about making a new life.
On the one hand, the strong slowdown of both productivity indexes and economic development threatens to cause a growing number of heavy and painful business reorganisations over the next few months, resulting - as is known - in job cuts also affecting those who have been residing in our country for years.
Some of them might have even started a family and now face the risk of being forced either back to poor living conditions in their countries of origin or to the hard life in the limbo of illegal immigrants.
On the other hand, the tough market rules and, in many instances, the avidity of someone of us as well, have created some exploitation pockets combined with a condition of subjection that is undoubtedly not worthy of a country like Italy. Agriculture has moved at the forefront in the last few months; other activity sectors, perhaps less visible, have been also poisoned by these behaviours.
A strong response by local institutions and the State is needed and Iam sure that they won’t fail to give it.
But civil society - especially workers’ representations - are expected to give a more in depth and effective response for drawing up a new structured legal framework providing certainty about rights and obligations for each and everyone of us.
The topic chosen for this issue of our bi-monthly journal and the criteria followed to select the articles for readers should be seen in this perspective.

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