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Quality Care for Quality Aging. Home care services in six European countries and regions

Autore/i: D. Zanon, E. Gregori (edited by)
Editore: Franco Angeli, 2011

Introduction by Luigi Mauri and Dario Zanon

1. The Italian context by Dario Zanon Emilio Gregori, Adriano Abiusi and Antonio di Gennaro   

1.1. Long term care in Italy: a situation of institutional delay
1.1.1. Long term care and models of public intervention in Italy
1.1.2. Legislation in socio-sanitary matters in Italy: since the ’70 until today

1.2. The main services
1.2.1. Services of residential care
1.2.2. Home care services in Italy
1.2.3. Monetary help for non self-sufficient people and financing of the services   

1.3. Demographic structure of population
1.3.1. Some indicators

1.4. Elderly health condition
1.4.1. Long term care in home care assistance and in residencies
1.4.2. Public expenditure on care

1.5. The Veneto region
1.5.1. Legislation of Veneto Region in socio-sanitary matters
1.5.2. Residential (and semi-residential) services
1.5.3. Home health care services The professional figures of home health care services The main services supplied by staff of home services
1.5.4. Monetary benefits for non self sufficient people
1.5.5. Demographic structure in Veneto region Some indicators
1.5.6. Health condition of elderly Long term care Public expenditure
1.5.7. Conclusion

1.6. The Basilicata region
1.6.1. Legislation of Basilicata Region in socio-sanitary matters
1.6.2. Residential (and semi-residential) services
1.6.3. Home health care services The professional figures of home health care services
1.6.4. Monetary benefits for non self sufficient people
1.6.5. Demographic structure of population in Basilicata region
1.6.6. General health condition Long term care Expenditure for home health care
1.6.7. Conclusion

2. The Finnish context by Arya Peipponen, Anna-Liisa Niemela, Anna-Liisa Lyytinen and Minna Saila

2.1. Legislation of health care in Finland
2.1.1. Legislation safeguards the services and benefits
2.1.2. The status and rights of clients and patients

2.2. Social and health care services
2.2.1. Social Services
2.2.2. Income security
2.2.3. Health Care Services
2.2.4. Old people services
2.2.5. Services and benefits for old people
2.2.6. Quality recommendation for services for older people
2.2.7. Agencies responsible for social and health services

2.3. Demographic structure of population
2.3.1. Population of Helsinki
2.3.2. Some indicators

2.4. Health conditions and self-sufficiency of elderly
2.4.1. General Health of the elderly in Finland
2.4.2. Most common diseases of the elderly over 65 years in Finland
2.4.3. Most common diseases by clients in Helsinki home-care

2.5. Income of pensioners in Finland
2.5.1. Income of Pensioners in Helsinki

2.6. Elderly services in Helsinki
2.6.1. Home Care Clients in Helsinki Home Care Visits to clients Coverage of Home Care Eligibility Criteria and Content in Helsinki Home Care Evaluation Tools Expenditure in Home Care
2.6.2. Elderly Services in Social Services Department Social and contact work Old-Age Homes and Service Housing
2.6.3. Long-term Care Hospital

2.7. Conclusions

3. The Belgian context by Marie Paule Connan and Virginie Adant

3.1. Characteristics of the belgian legislative system
3.1.1. Belgium: A Federal State
3.1.2. Competences are divided among the federated entities
3.1.3. Competences in the field of health care
3.1.4. The legislative system that governs home care in Belgium Care and home care services in the territory of the Walloon Region Care and home care services in the territory of the Flemish Region Care and home care services in the territory of the Brussels-Capital Region Reference regulations for care and home care service in the territory of the Brussels-Capital Region

3.2. Organisational system of elderly home care
3.2.1. History of the home care sector in Belgium
3.2.2. The Belgian health and welfare system Elderly housing and care structures Public elderly lodging and care structures in Brussels City Service supply in the Brussels-Capital Region

3.3. Aging scenario
3.3.1. Data sources
3.3.2. Socio-sanitary situation of elderly people who live in the Brussels-Capital Region Structure per age and gender Ethnicity: composition of the elderly population according to nationality Construction of a financial fragility indicator Health of the elderly population
3.3.3. Population projections for the elderly population in Brussels
3.3.4. Evaluation instruments relating to the loss of independence
3.3.5. Impact of demographic ageing on the health care cost
3.3.6. Poverty and ageing Improvements in the efficency of the services and plans

3.4. Conclusions

4. The French context by Kristine Stempien

4.1. The elderly population in france
4.1.1. The French population and its elderly people
4.1.2. Elderly people in the coming year: evaluation and perspective

4.2. Health conditions and self-sufficiency of elderly people in france
4.2.1. Dependency of elderly people in France
4.2.2. Perspective of the dependency of elderly people in France

4.3. Long term care
4.3.1. Public expenditures
4.3.2. Establishment for elderly people
4.3.3. Type of assistance guaranteed for elderly people APA – Aide personalisée à l’autonomie/Persolised help for autonomy Exceptional assistance in the form of banknote for universal service use (CESU) pre-financed Social welfare help for elderly: access to restaurants in residential home Provision of home care: elderly Social help for elderly: meals on week ASPA – Allocation de solidarité aux personnes agées

5. The German context by Gunther Lorenz

5.1. The socio-demographic development of the population in germany
5.1.1. Data baselines: demographic situation and trends in the Federal Republic of Germany
5.1.2. Health condition and self-sufficiency of elderly persons
5.1.3. Long term care at home: its quality and costs
5.1.4. Conclusions

5.2. The home care services
5.2.1. The organizational system of Home Care The Role of the Public Sector The Role of the Private for-profit-sector The role of the Third Sector
5.2.1. Financial tools for implementing Long Term Home Care
5.2.3. Quality assurance
5.2.4. Qualification required to workers providing services
5.2.5. Conclusions

5.3. The Land of Brandenburg
5.3.1. The Care Situation in the Land of Brandenburg
5.3.2. Quality of Home Health Care

5.4. Appendix - Table

6. The Spanish context by Gotzone Mora Temprano

6.1. The Spanish national health system
6.1.1. Health Protection in Spain
6.1.2. Long-term care

6.2. The socio-health care system of the Valencian Community concerning elderly
6.2.1. Structure and Regulations of the Valencian Health System Agencia Valenciana de Salud (AVS) – The Valencian Agency for Health
6.2.2. Health Map
6.2.3. Health Budget
6.2.4. Socio-Health Care Services Main Political Initiatives Promoted within this Assistance Area Law of Health Insurance Home Health Care Services offered by the Regional Government of Welfare
6.3. socio-health care delivered and received in the valencian community
6.3.1. Foreigners among Elderly in the Valencian Community
6.3.2. Foreign Elderly as Users of the Home Care Services
6.3.3. Foreigners as workers of the Home Care Services for Elderly


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